Thursday, July 8, 2010

Kitty saltating out of jeopardous fire!

O this kitty. As amazing it she turned out it was tedious and annoying! I would rate this project a 9.9 because it was absolutely awesome and it feels good to actually know how to do it but it was hell the whole way through! YES, of course it turned out like I wanted it too, I worked to hard for it not to be my vision, except for the reflection requirement, I would take that out if I could. I'm proud that it's my first project yet and I got two credits in doing so, and it turned out awesome! I'm proud of my wittle kitty for making it out of the fire in time!! Everything that didn't work like it was supposed to do was unexpected! Forgetting to hold down this button, or selecting that layer, this program really keeps you in check with every little detail that must be done, and it's awful when it doesn't work! Overall, I like this class. It's going really well and it's a real confidence booster when I can do it all right! ha, but as frustrating as it may be, it's good frustration when everything works out nicely. :)

1 comment:

  1. this still makes me laugh.

    i was examining the reaching out and masking fur tutorial images, and they both look fabulous -- i don't see anything that could be improved upon.

    the cat image is hilarious, creative, and boy, did you put a lot of work into it! there are a few places that could be improved, such as a few places where the fire is a little splotchy and the fact that the resolution of the cat photo is lower than that of the fire. these, however, are not distracting.

    wonderful work. thanks for putting so much time into it.

    Creativity: 105
    Effort: 105
    Artistry: 95
    Mastery of Unit Goals: 100
    Followed Directions: 100

    Unit AVG: 101
